Fellowship Opportunities:
Stack Choice Architecture Stewards - codifying coherent technology stacks
Deployment Orchestration Stewards - codifying sequence of events for various production cloud environments
Problem Domain Stewards - codifying and contextualizing domain knowledge for effective generative capability\ for e
HyperAgility™ Practice Stewards - continuous improvement of the practice set for this AI-enabled way-of-working
Certification Standard Stewards - ensuring integrity within the certification attestation process
Technology Stack Stewardship
Fellows exhibit towering knowledge of coherent technology stacks and participate in the maintenance of choice architecture options, tradeoff analysis, rules, risks, refactoring advice, Blueprint context, Gen-AI prompting and state-of-the-practice content.
Cloud Deployment Orchestration Stewardship
Fellows exhibit towering knowledge of current cloud environments, constraints, quality attributes, and optimizations while participating in codification and automation assets for the community.
Problem Domain Stewardship
Fellows exhibit deep knowledge of problem spaces, can support robust prompt templates, and contribute to SME HyperAgility™ community guidance.
HyperAgility™ Stewardship
Fellows exhibit transformative thought leadership surrounding value stream configurations designed for disintermediation and challenges to the status quo rhetoric.
Competency Certification Stewardship
Fellows ensure the integrity of the standards-of-care expected by stakeholders and customers embracing disruptive approaches to software engineering, acting as fiduciaries to the paradigm shift.