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The phrase "Big Tech" is mentioned with increased frequency these days. Mostly discussed as a negative issue within politics, anti-trust attention is becoming more and more pronounced. Less frequently discussed are other forms of equally detrimental competitive practices from "Big Consultancies". Together, "Big Tech" and "Big Consultancies" have a monopoly over the delivery of large software intensive systems. Ironically however, just being big doesn't translate into good outcomes. In a game of rotating chairs, the same players continually show up in the news at the center of large software program failures. Curiously, memories run short when it comes to these repeat offenders. Along with their big package vendor partners, the same crap keeps getting foisted upon large enterprises year after year.
With the advent of Generative AI, this is about to drastically change. Not only is the supply chain about to be dis-intermediated, vendor lock-in is about to be broken. With the ability to create generic versions of Big Tech software packages, and the ability to install them without an army of consultants, the cash cow that is large scale software programs is about to be disrupted.
What this represents for enterprises is the ability to embark upon large software projects with far more certainty, effectively de-risking such investments. It also represents insurance against technology obsolescence, late stage economic duress, and massive schedule overruns. can radically transform your software engineering operations and yield radical productivity improvements.
What this represents for smaller software consultancies - the little guy - is a level playing field. The ability to deliver value to your customers who place trust in your hard fought relationships is now available with the force multiplier capabilities of
Continue exploring how our capabilities can be used to disrupt your competitors and deliver huge value to your customers. Start by learning why our capabilities are beyond hype, and how they are grounded in state-of-the-practice architecture principles, delivering on the promise of large-order reuse. If you come away with a sense that the capabilities of are credible and trustworthy, continue to explore our new way-of-working called HyperAgility™ and the AI realization within our Advisor™ AI Platform.
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